The Metal Grotto Episode 134 “Lascivious Lupercalian Special”

It’s that time of year…Valentine’s day, or if you prefer, the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, which as we all know was dedicated to werewolves and fucking. The selections this week have that in mind…and more
If you can hold out, stick around to the end for a lusty surprise

Only on Radio Free Satan!

The Metal Grotto Episode 133 “Beginnings, endings, birthdays and anniversaries”

There’s no need to panic, this isn’t Rev Hell On Wheels final show. It was inspired by album anniversaries, first and last albums and the like
Tune in for over an hour’s worth of music
Only On Radio Free Satan

The Metal Grotto episode 132 “Rev. Hell On Wheels’ Scroogetastic Holiday Special”

It’s that time of year again, you know, where people make it a point to say how much they hate Christmas
You won’t find that here. but what you will find is Rev HellOnWheels serving up some Holiday themed songs, both metal, and not

So sit back, tune in, and pass the egg nog

Only on Radio Free Satan

The Metal Grotto Episode 131 “Born On The Bayou”

This episode was inspired by the announced Acid Bath reunion coming in 2025 and features bands from the Louisiana scene

Only on Radio Free Satan

The Metal Grotto: Episode 130 “Halloween Special 2024”

It’s time, kiddies, Halloween is here again and Dj Rev Hell On Wheels has returned with an absolute MONSTER of a set. All treats, no tricks, this one is King-sized just like those candybars you got as a kid

Only on Radio Free Satan!

With Halloween falling three days before my High Holiday, I’ve included a link to my wishlist, should listeners be inclined

The Metal Grotto #129

This episode of The Metal Grotto, Rev. Jeff Ivins brings out some favs of his from the hard rock/metal world with: Nightwish, Obscura, Project Mayhem, U.D.O., Godflesh, Dimmu Borgir, Opeth, Jinjer, Tygers Of Pan Tang, Suicidal Tendencies, A New Revenge, and finishing up with a song dedicated to his ex-wife by Kobra And The Lotus.

The Metal Grotto #128

This episode of The Metal Grotto, Rev Jeff Ivins brings you the following bands for your ear holes: Death, Anthrax, Static-X, Scorpions, Motorhead, Accept, Def Leppard, Kiss, Dio, Marilyn Manson, Queensryche, and ending off with some Hear ‘N Aid.

The Metal Grotto 127 “Rev HellOnWheels Satanniversary Special”

Here is wisdom, this show was recorded on the Sixth Day of the Sixth month of 2024 with just enough coffee for Rev HellOnWheels to form coherent words.

It’s that time of year when the adamantine gates flung wide; a day rev HellOnWheels never forgot.

There will be no diamonds…well okay, King Diamond, but anyway. As of this recording, although not to the day, DJ Reverend HellOnWheels celebrates 12 years as a Member of the Infernal Empire, with some mainstays mixed in with new discoveries.

Only on Radio Free Satan

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