The Infernal Legion Podcast #013

This episode of The Infernal Legion Podcast, Satanist Duwanye Burns, Warlock Jeff Bowling, and Warlock Jeffrey Ivins discuss various topics including: The Remains of one of two missing service members found, The Air Force has promoted its first Female as the Top Enlisted personnel, A 1000 Marines at Parris Island Volunteer for COVID-19 Study, Navy – Coast Guard Team: Four Interdictions in Four Days, Challenged by Netflix Show, US Space Force Rushes to Trademark Name, The VA Claiming Trust In The VA Is At An All Time High, and we also remember the start of the Korean War.

Infernal Legion #003

This month on The Infernal Legion, we discuss about 9/11/2001. Also featured WickedWarrior is Rick Colemire. The third segment we discuss about different news items related to the military.